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Extra-Curricular Activities
All year groups go on lots of different extra-curricular trips to support their learning. So far this year these have included: The Globe Theatre, The Science Museum, The RAF Museum, Verulamium, a tour around London as well as in-house workshops ranging from money workshops, heart dissections and a workshop about Florence Nightingale.
We also have whole school weeks on specific subjects. So far this year, children have had a Maths Day, Science Day, D&T week as well as celebrating Mental Health Day, Anti Bullying and Safer Internet Week.
Being able to offer our children a wide range of diverse extra curricular activities is very important as it encourages them to become independent, confident and successful members of the community. In school we offer:
Drama, Choir, Music, Rocksteady, Coding, French, Spanish, Chess, Netball, Football, Gymnastics, Art, well-being, Irish Dancing, Reading,Taekwondo, Dance and Homework Club
We have now transferred our after school wrap around care provision to Smart Play please contact them directly for details of how to register and book smart-play.co.uk/contact-us/ .