Year 6
Welcome to Year 6!
Mrs Durkin and Mrs Harrington are the class teachers in 6A. Mr Gagen and Mr Graham are the class teachers in 6J.
In Maths, this term we will be looking at place value, addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. We will continue using a Concrete-Pictorial- Abstract approach. The use of word problems will encourage your children to use high-order thinking techniques and applied skills in their work.There will also be SATs-style questions in every lesson to help with preparation for the assessments on the week commencing the 12th of May.
In English, we will be reading a range of high quality texts as a stimulus for writing. Children will learn about sentence structure and word choice through the books we read. We will also continue to develop our vocabulary and grammar skills through our reading sessions. The children will develop their stamina in reading and answering questions from a text as well as use their retrieval, inference and prediction skills. Our class novel this half term is Son of the Circus by E.L Norry.
In RE, we will be covering a different topic each half term. This term we will be covering , ‘Beginning with God’ and 'Advent to Christmas’,
In History, we will be studying the Victorians.
In Geography, we will be studying the human and physical geographical features that make up the UK.
In Science, this term, we will be categorising organisms and investigating the circulatory system.
Please ensure that your child wears their P.E kit in school and it is labelled. PE will be taught on Thursdays and Fridays.
PE kit consists of a white t-shirt and black or white shorts (just above the knee) or bottle green jogging bottoms, white t-shirt and sweatshirt.
We encourage the children to read daily and take responsibility for commenting on what they have read in their reading records every night. Please listen to your child read as well as reading to your child. It is important to discuss the books they are reading by asking relevant questions. The children will be expected to bring in their reading records every day. Their class teacher will listen to them read weekly.
Each week, the children will receive maths and English homework. Occasionally, the homework may relate to 'Topic' or R.E. work we are covering. Alongside this, there will be weekly spellings and times tables to learn using 'Times Tables Rockstars' so that the children can consolidate their times tables. Your child has been given their login details. An assignment will be uploaded on weekly for the children to complete.
Homework will be handed out on Fridays. The homework is expected to be handed in the following Wednesday by 9am.
We wish the children a successful final year in Sacred Heart. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the class teachers.
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SATsParentsPresentation 2025 |