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Curriculum Intent
Our curriculum intent
At Sacred Heart primary school, we provide a curriculum that will prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life. In both its content and delivery, our curriculum reflects the fact that Jesus Christ is the foundation of the whole education enterprise. Therefore, we have designed a curriculum, which is ambitious for all pupils and challenges every pupil to reach their potential.
Our curriculum has been carefully mapped to include coverage of the National Curriculum, while ensuring pupils have the opportunity to develop as learners who persevere, who are creative, who ask questions and who seek to find answers through becoming increasingly independent learners. Our curriculum content is selected to meet the specific needs and interests of our pupils, whilst ensuring a broad and balanced coverage of all subjects. Each subject is carefully mapped to ensure lessons build on prior learning and make learning memorable for pupils. Teaching and learning is enhanced with a broad range of extra-curricular experiences: including, trips, workshops, visits from experts and collaborative performances with other schools.
Reading is given a high priority in our curriculum. We have a wide range of books in each classroom and a library full of diverse and age appropriate material. Three days a week, we have an experienced librarian who works with our children in selecting the right book as well as making sure our library is kept up-to-date. Children are taught reading through the sounds they learn which they help them decode and read books. We follow Read, Write Inc which works it's way through all the different phonemes. We strive to make reading as much fun as possible through visiting authors and initiatives such as “Mystery Readers” In KS2, we have Reading Ambassadors group who promote a love of reading throughout the school through reading club and setting up events all year round.
In Maths we follow a mastery approach where all pupils are taught to their year group expectation with challenge for the more able and support for those who need it.
Pupils with special needs are well-supported in school with extra support and/or resources deployed where necessary to help close individual learning gaps.
We assess the children in all lessons by asking them about previous learning or targeted questioning. In reading, grammar and maths, children undertake formal assessments each term. In foundation subjects, children are assessed using substantive and disciplinary knowledge to address and fill any gaps in their learning.
We want our children to strive to be the best they can be. We believe our curriculum is broad and balanced and supports the children after they leave our school.