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Eco Schools
At Sacred Heart, we believe that our children should be active participants in the development of a sustainable society. We encourage and inspire pupils to make green choices and become more aware of environmental issues, both locally and in the wider world. As a school we believe we play a vital role to educate our children to become independent in the knowledge of what and how things can be recycled, how to be less wasteful and how to be responsible citizens.
Environmental issues are increasingly embedded across a variety of subjects. This involves both a formal and informal curriculum, including areas such as Geography, Science, Citizenship, Gardening Club and the Eco committee. Through whole school assemblies, we encourage and develop the skills to help understand what is going on in the world around us and how this impacts our environment.
All children and staff work together to recycle paper/card. Paper recycling in each classroom and a tray for scrap paper to reuse. Collecting used pens to take to a local stationer for recycling. Litter picking around the school to reduce the amount of plastic rubbish.
Where possible, to participate in local and national schemes which encourage a sustainable way of life: Switch Off Fortnight, World Soil Day, Earth Day, The Great Big School Clean. Compost area: Through composting our own garden waste, children are made aware of the benefits and positive impacts this has on our vegetable garden.
Gardening Nurture Group: Pupils from all year groups meet weekly and are involved in growing vegetables and maintaining our school garden.
We have an Eco-Schools Committee, with representations from each class across the school and involving other staff members and adults within the school community ( e.g. parents and carers and caretaker). Committee members to meet regularly. The Eco-Schools Committee to carry out an Environmental Review