Year 4 Activities Page Week 2
Last updated Thursday 2 April 20:00
If you are looking for past work, please click here.
This page will contain the activities that your children can complete whilst at home. Work will be uploaded by 9:30am.
There will be a mixture of online activities and paper based ones.
The spellings that children will have to learn for the week will be uploaded on Thursday. Please ensure that you test your child on the words in a random order.
Please continue reading with your child every day.
Click here to see a range of maths activities that children could do.
Your child has been using Purple Mash regularly this year and therefore have their login details. If your child has forgotten their details or you have any queries please email: and we will try to reply as soon as possible.
Links to activities:
Classroom Secrets Kids (Please check 26 March 2020 Homework sheet for details)
Please look at these tasks below that you can work on when you have finished your daily tasks.
We have set a 2do that the children can do throughout the time they are at home. As this is a historical moment in time, it would be great if children could keep an online diary - detailing what they did during the day, what they liked about the day and even what they disliked. The children can print off the diary once we are back to school and can be kept to be read in years to come. Please remind the children to save their work as they type.
The task can be found in the 2dos as 'Lockdown Diary'
Please get your child to check any alerts as we may have given some feedback on any work that they have handed in. There may be a possibility that the children have to correct their work.
Friday 3rd April 2020
Remember to write your 'Lockdown diary', practise your times tables and play some games on Purple Mash.
Answers dividing 1 digit by 10
RE Easter comic strip. The number of starts matches your chilli.
Thursday 2nd April 2020
Remember to write your 'Lockdown diary', practise your times tables and play some games on Purple Mash.
Reading comprehension (continue from yesterday)
Answers tenths on a number line
For the homework sheet click here.
Wednesday 1st April 2020
April Fools' Day. I'm so upset that I cannot play any pranks or jokes on any of you. Remember you cannot play any pranks and jokes after 12pm noon!!
Also pinch (not too hard), punch (not too hard), first of the month - no RETURNS.
Remember to write your 'Lockdown diary', practise your times tables and play some games on Purple Mash.
Reading comprehension (for the next 2 days)
Answers tenths on a place value grid
Tuesday 31st March 2020
Please remember to continue to write your 'Lockdown diary' on Purple Mash. We only have a few children who have started writing them. Remember do not hand in your work as you will continuously add to your diary everyday. We have seen such good examples of diaries and rest assured, we feel the same way - we can't wait to see each other soon!
Remember to check your alerts as we may have given you feedback on work you have done on Purple Mash.
Monday 30th March 2020
Please continue to practise your times tables on Purple Mash as you will need this knowledge as you continue to learn new concepts in mathematics. Remember to also write your diary entry on Purple Mash in the 2dos!! Any feedback will be red in your file.
Recognising tenths and hundredths
Answers Recognising tenths and hundredths