
Year 4 Activities Page Week 3

Last updated Thursday 23 April 19:00

If you are looking for past work, please click here.

This page will contain the activities that your children can complete whilst at home. Work will be uploaded by 9:30am.

There will be a mixture of online activities and paper based ones.

The spellings that children will have to learn for the week will be uploaded on Thursday. Please ensure that you test your child on the words in a random order.

Please continue reading with your child every day.

Click here to see a range of maths activities that children could do.

Your child has been using Purple Mash regularly this year and therefore have their login details. If your child has forgotten their details or you have any queries please email: and we will try to reply as soon as possible.

Links to activities:

Classroom Secrets Kids (Please check 26 March 2020 Homework sheet for details)

Purple Mash

Please look at these tasks below that you can work on when you have finished your daily tasks.

Your 'Lockdown Diary' which can be found in the 2dos on Purple Mash as 'Lockdown Diary'

Screen Shot 2020 03 27 at 18.09.16

Please get your child to check any alerts as we may have given some feedback on any work that they have handed in. There may be a possibility that the children have to correct their work.

Home learning challenges

Film Review

Book Review

If your child has not heard what happened at the end of our class text 'The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane' you can hear Mr Platon read chapters 21 to 27. The video is 33 minutes long however you can split the chapters. Look at the description and you can click on the chapter you want to read from. Click here if you want to watch on the Youtube site.

Friday 24th April 2020

Week 3 day 5 task

Divide by 1 or 2 digits by 100

Answers Divide by 1 or 2 digits by 100

Maths lesson video

Online Safety



Thursday 23rd April 2020

Today is St George's Day.

Remember to write your diary entry and practise your times tables on Purple Mash.

Week 3 day 4 task

Hundredths on a place value grid

Answers Hundredths on a place value grid

Maths lesson video

St George's Day comprehension with answers (Stars match your chilli)

St George's Day design a dragon

St George's Day design a coat of arms

St George's Day mindfulness


Wednesday 22nd April 2020

Today is Earth Day and today you will have some Earth Day activities.

Remember to write your diary entry and practise your times tables on Purple Mash.

Week 3 day 3 task

Hundredths as decimals

Answers Hundredths and decimals

Maths lesson video

Earth Day Powerpoint Presentation

Earth Day Presentation PDF (if you do not have Powerpoint)

Earth Day Activity 1

Earth Day Activity 2 (Wordsearch)

Earth Day Activity 3 (Poetry)

Earth Day Activity 4 (Mindfulness)

Earth Day Activity 5 (Map work with answers)

Earth Day Activity 6 (Comprehension with answers. Stars match your chilli)

Tuesday 21st April 2020

Remember to write your diary entry and practise your times tables on Purple Mash.

Week 3 day 2 task


Answers Hundredths

Maths lesson video

Online Safety


Monday 20th April 2020

Remember to write your diary entry and practise your times tables on Purple Mash.

Week 3 day 1 task

Dividing 2 digits by 10

Answers dividing 2 digits by 10

Maths lesson video

Online Safety


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